What is Psychoenergetic Work®?

Psychoenergetic Work® blends Holistic Counseling with Hypnotherapy and Energy-Healing Techniques.

It combines elements of psychology, neuro-emotional modalities, energy healing, inner child work and spirituality to explore mental, emotional, energetic and physical issues.

This work encourages and promotes the open exploration of the causes of imbalances that influence your current situation, relationships and behaviours so you can release, regulate and align with a more profound self-awareness.

During sessions, you will be encouraged to identify, understand and express dysfunctional patterns, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy mechanisms that are causing emotional overwhelming or distress while restoring self-worth, confidence and self-acceptance, allowing better resolutions and integration of inner parts and life's events.

Book a discovery call with Maria today.


What is Relational Trauma?


STEEPING OUT OF THE BOX: From Fixidity to Fluidity