If you want to repair and improve your relationships, including the one with yourself, you are in the right place.

I have been helping clients internationally, working through intense emotions, inner resistances, grief, painful memories and limiting beliefs while addressing personal and relational needs.

I provide a supportive space to help you overcome and heal adverse childhood experiences and relationships with parents, relatives, partners, money and yourself identifying toxic emotions, behaviours and patterns.

Creating space within allows you to listen to your inner child's needs, strengthen your true self, and release limiting ways while promoting deep change and discovery of new, aligned and more positive ways to move forward in your life.

My purpose is to Guide you through an Empowering and Transformative Journey of Self-Exploration and Emotional Growth.

Now is the time. Are you ready?

Each journey is unique.

I offer Hybrid/Flexible ways of working.

Online | In-person Brighton at Brighton Sports Therapy.

How is Psychoenergetic work® different from other approaches?

Its Holistic and Somatic approach combined with Counselling and Psychotherapeutic modalities sets Psychoenergetic work® apart from other forms of therapy and healing.

By addressing the entirety of the self and overall needs rather than focusing solely on specific aspects, we promote flexibility and facilitate shifts in perspective. This work allows for tailored and dynamic support based on your response to various modalities.

Drawing from over two decades of studies and a decade of hands-on experience, we can use various tools, such as Inner Child and Parts Work, IFS (Internal Family System), Energy Work, CBT, NLP, EFT, Hypnotherapy, Counselling, and Coaching.

The body possesses its language, distinct from the mind or heart, offering a unique pathway to authentic exploration and understanding.

What is a Somatic Approach?

A somatic approach focuses on the connection between the mind and body, recognising that our physical sensations, movements, and experiences are closely linked to our emotional and psychological well-being.

Rather than solely relying on verbal communication or cognitive processes, somatic approaches incorporate bodily sensations, movement, and awareness as tools for healing and self-awareness.

This approach acknowledges that past traumas, stressors, and emotions can be stored in the body, leading to physical tension, discomfort, or illness. By tuning into bodily sensations, individuals can develop and improve their connection with their body, accessing and processing stored emotions, leading to greater integration and well-being.

How does it work?

Step 1| Let’s chat!

The initial session is an opportunity to introduce each other and ask questions. I will explain the process, confidentiality, structure, duration and fees.

We will talk about your current situation, challenges, and aspirations and reflect on potential short-term and long-term goals.

Step 2 | Creating your Plan

If we feel comfortable working together, I will ask you to complete a form and sign the Psychoenergetic Agreement. You will also receive a welcome pack.

I will then work on your treatment plan, including practical exercises between sessions and a list of useful readings tailored to your unique goals and needs.

Step 3 | Celebrating and Follow-up

At the end of the programme, we will celebrate successes and address any setbacks.

Review the journey, reflect on achievements, and discuss ways to move forward independently or set new goals.


Dedicating time and space to practice and follow through with homework after sessions is essential to support the integration and embodiment of what we explore and work on during sessions. Sixty-six days is the minimum needed for your body and mind to consolidate your new ways. Homework is tailored to your needs and available time.


I will be your guide and mentor at every step, whether for a month or longer. I guarantee my genuine presence and honest commitment. Most of my clients shared that, in a short time, they have noticed an increase in self awareness and significant changes in their relationships. They could quickly see when a dysfunctional pattern played out and developed better presence, personal boundaries, emotional regulation, acceptance, focus, direction and confidence.

Be curious about yourself because what you are is extraordinary !

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.

Our work celebrates multiple approaches and points of view in which everyone deserves to be seen, welcomed and valued without judgment or exclusion. We welcome and value all differences, including race, gender, sexual orientation, generation, religion, disabilities and beliefs.