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This is a free event, and we truly value your presence. Please make sure that if you RSVP, you attend the meeting. If you cannot attend, please let us know, as it may affect the overall arrangement of the meeting.

What will we be doing?

During the meeting, I will propose a few topics for group discussion, and there will also be opportunities for 1:1 conversations with other attendees. The aim is to create a space to actively listen to others and express yourself authentically, free from judgment or pressure.

The beautiful tea house offers a variety of delicious tea, cakes, coffee and food. Please understand that it is a public coffee shop, and you may want to get a coffee or tea in exchange for the space.

This is not a dating opportunity but a mindful and dedicated space to connect with others. If you cross boundaries or behave in a way that is not acceptable, you will be asked to leave the group.

What is Authentic Relating?
Authentic Relating refers to practices that cultivate genuine connections, empathy, and understanding between people. It involves being present, honest, and vulnerable in interactions with others, and it often includes group or 1:1 discussions designed to deepen interpersonal connections.

Key principles of Authentic Relating include:

  1. Presence: Being fully engaged and attentive in interactions without distractions or preconceptions.

  2. Authenticity: Expressing oneself honestly and openly, without pretence or masks.

  3. Empathy: Seeking to understand others' perspectives and experiences and demonstrating compassion and support.

  4. Vulnerability: Willingness to share one's true feelings, thoughts, and experiences, even if they are uncomfortable or difficult.

  5. Curiosity: Approaching interactions with an open mind and a genuine interest in learning about others.

Authentic Relating practices can take many forms, including dyadic exercises where participants take turns sharing and listening, group activities designed to foster connection and collaboration, and facilitated discussions on topics related to personal growth and interpersonal dynamics.

These practices are often used in various contexts, such as personal development workshops, therapy sessions, team-building activities, and community gatherings, to promote deeper connections, mutual understanding, and emotional well-being.

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Arte Psichica e l' Esplorazione dei Contrasti Interiori

Arte Psichica e l' Esplorazione dei Contrasti Interiori


All'interno di ciascuno di noi esistono diverse forze, istinti, desideri, parti o prospettive che possono essere o entrare in conflitto tra loro.

Questi contrasti possono riguardare differenti aspetti della personalità, come la razionalità e l'istinto, il giusto equilibrio tra il bisogno di aiutare gli altri e lo spazio personale, il bisogno di sicurezza e quello di avventura, spiritualita’ e umanita’, successo e procrastinazione, creativita’ e disciplina, e molti altri.

Questi aspetti di noi possono manifestarsi o prendere il sopravvento in momenti o contesti diversi, e possono avere obiettivi o desideri contrastanti.

Queste parti interiori hanno il compito di tenerci al sicuro, anche se a volte sembrano remare contro i nostri interessi e comprenderne le origini puo’ portare alla consapevolezza i motivi di alcuni comportamenti e resistente di cui facciamo esperienza, offrendo occasioni di crescita, maturazione emotiva e nuovo equilibrio.

Attraverso questo workshop potrai esplorare questi contrasti attraverso la creativita’ psichica e la connessione energetica, offrendo uno spazio di ascolto ed espressione autentica di queste parti di te che stanno vivendo un disequilibrio, per riportare nuova armonia in te stesso, nella tua vita e relazioni.


  • Cosa si intende per parti dell’ essere?

  • Counselling e condivisioni di gruppo

  • Disegno intuitivo delle parti

  • Integrazione finale

  • L’ Ottavo Chakra e Canalizzazioni interpretative

  • Condivisioni

Cosa ti servirà:

  • Curiosità di esplorare te stesso.

  • Fogli, Colori e strumenti creativi

  • Acqua.

Regole generali di buona condotta e politica di cancellazione: Sii puntuale; interruzioni e ritardi interrompono il flusso energetico. Se siete in ritardo o non potete partecipare fatecelo sapere per tempo. Non e’ previsto il rimborso.

Informazioni sul tuo facilitatore: Maria Pareo, nata in un piccolo paese vicino Roma e attualmente residente a Brighton (Regno Unito), è un'esperta di guarigione e crescita emotiva , interazioni sottili e comunicazione effettiva. Insegnante e consulente intuitiva, la sua modalità unica è incentrata sull'autoconsapevolezza, sull'espressione autentica, e potenziamento personale.

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This is a free event, and we truly value your presence. Please make sure that if you RSVP, you attend the meeting. If you cannot attend, please let us know, as it may affect the overall arrangement of the meeting.

What will we be doing?

During the meeting, I will propose a few topics for group discussion, and there will also be opportunities for 1:1 conversations with other attendees. The aim is to create a space to actively listen to others and express yourself authentically, free from judgment or pressure.

The beautiful tea house offers a variety of delicious tea, cakes, coffee and food. Please understand that it is a public coffee shop, and you may want to get a coffee or tea in exchange for the space.

This is not a dating opportunity but a mindful and dedicated space to connect with others. If you cross boundaries or behave in a way that is not acceptable, you will be asked to leave the group.

What is Authentic Relating?
Authentic Relating refers to practices that cultivate genuine connections, empathy, and understanding between people. It involves being present, honest, and vulnerable in interactions with others, and it often includes group or 1:1 discussions designed to deepen interpersonal connections.

Key principles of Authentic Relating include:

  1. Presence: Being fully engaged and attentive in interactions without distractions or preconceptions.

  2. Authenticity: Expressing oneself honestly and openly, without pretence or masks.

  3. Empathy: Seeking to understand others' perspectives and experiences and demonstrating compassion and support.

  4. Vulnerability: Willingness to share one's true feelings, thoughts, and experiences, even if they are uncomfortable or difficult.

  5. Curiosity: Approaching interactions with an open mind and a genuine interest in learning about others.

Authentic Relating practices can take many forms, including dyadic exercises where participants take turns sharing and listening, group activities designed to foster connection and collaboration, and facilitated discussions on topics related to personal growth and interpersonal dynamics.

These practices are often used in various contexts, such as personal development workshops, therapy sessions, team-building activities, and community gatherings, to promote deeper connections, mutual understanding, and emotional well-being.

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ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS | Breaking Through Repetitive Toxic Cycles

ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS | Breaking Through Repetitive Toxic Cycles


This 2-hour workshop is designed to help you identify, understand and promote freedom from repetitive toxic patterns in your romantic relationships.

The event aims to create a safe and supportive environment, encourage self-reflection and improve communication through tailored exercises to gain helpful insights into building healthier connections with current/future partners.

The activities are structured to encourage open dialogue and the development of practical skills to start changing dysfunctional patterns into more positive ones.

Be aware that during the event, we will approach and discuss sensitive topics, which may be triggering or emotional for some; my purpose is to promote and encourage positive change, guiding you through the experience.

This is not 121 work but a space where we can support each other, learn from one another and grow.

Programme (may vary slightly before the event).

  • Welcome and icebreaker activity.

  • Exploring one life’s script while Identifying common signs and embodied behaviours/responses.

  • Understanding the impact of these patterns within a romantic relationship.

  • Navigating through Emotional Challenges with Empathy.

  • Addressing and working towards better responses through practical exercises such as guided self-reflection, journaling, role-playing to practice assertiveness, active listening, and interactive discussion with others to enhance effective communication.

  • Tips for expressing needs and setting healthy boundaries.

  • Collaborative goal-setting/negotiation for better balance and integration.

  • Final sharing and Q&A.

Who is this for?

This workshop is for anyone looking to better understand themselves and dysfunctional and non-congruent responses within relationships and everyone who wants to actively work on improving the quality of their relationships.

Whether you are currently single, navigating the complexities of dating, or committed to a long-term relationship, this workshop provides valuable insights and practical tools for fostering positive connections.

Attending this workshop is an investment in your well-being and the health of your romantic relationships. By actively participating and applying the knowledge gained, you can experience positive transformations that contribute to more fulfilling and harmonious connections with others.

What are the benefits of participating?

This experience offers several benefits, such as:

  1. Increased Self-Awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of your behaviours and relationship patterns that can lead to personal growth.

  2. Identification of Toxic Patterns: Learn to recognise and identify dysfunctional patterns/emotions in romantic relationships.

  3. Improved Communication Skills: Enhance your communication skills, promoting healthier interactions and reducing misunderstandings.

  4. Establishment of Boundaries: Acquire practical tools for setting and maintaining boundaries in relationships, helping you create a healthy balance between individual needs and partnership dynamics.

  5. Navigating Singlehood: If you're single, gain valuable insights into understanding your needs and fostering positive self-growth during the single phase.

  6. Tools for Relationship Maintenance: For those in committed relationships, learn practical tools and strategies to navigate challenges, resolve conflicts, and maintain a strong and fulfilling connection.

  7. Community and Support: Connect with others who share similar experiences, providing a supportive community where you can share insights, learn from one another, and feel understood.

  8. Resource Access: Receive handouts, resources, and recommended readings as ongoing references for further self-improvement and relationship development.

  9. Expert Guidance: Benefit from the guidance of a skilled facilitator who can provide professional insights, answer questions, and offer support throughout the workshop.

I am looking forward to connecting with you,

Have any questions? Get in touch :)

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Incontro ONLINE del corso di terapie Egizio Essene e tecniche Psicoenergetiche 2024.

Incontro ONLINE del corso di terapie Egizio Essene e tecniche Psicoenergetiche 2024.

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✨ Cari amici, vi proponiamo un incontro online gratuito davvero unico!

Vi aspettiamo il 2 Febbraio per la presentazione online del corso di Terapie Egizio Essene e Guarigione Psychoenergetica che si terra' a Roma a Marzo 2024.

Questo incontro offre un’occasione unica per conoscere le terapie Egizio Essene e Tecniche Psicoenergetiche per comprendere meglio come questi approcci possono facilitare il tuo percorso di crescita personale verso una maggiore conoscenza e consapevolezza personale nel qui e ora.

Durante l'evento esploreremo insieme:

☞ La guarigione Egizio Essena

☞ Cos'è l'energia di guarigione

☞ L'esperienza energetica, applicazioni pratiche.

☞ La relazione terapeuta.

Al termine dell’incontro ci sarà uno spazio dedicato alle domande e condivisione.

Ti aspettiamo per iniziare l’anno insieme!

Condividi l'evento 🙌 !



Anastasia +39 340 224 3750 | Francesca +39 349 863 2058

Maria +44 07341465023

### What are Essenian therapies, and how do they work?

Egyptian Essene therapies are precise healing techniques that involve using consecrated oils and the emission of the milky voice (voice attunement) while working with the hands-on specific points on the body, such as chakras, organs and Nadis of the physical and subtle bodies, to restore energy flow and increase awareness.

Essene therapists use particular healing protocols, depending on the illness being treated, to release and re-harmonise dissonant or painful memories, emotions or lower energies and restore the correct energetic circulation, promoting better alignment and quality of presence.
In this process, the therapist acts as a bridge between the various parties involved facilitating communication and understanding of the unbalances.

### Who were the Essenes?

According to Pliny, the Essenes were a community that had abandoned the world's vanities. They had risen spiritually and had attained quite substantial mystical knowledge. The Essenes were the first to choose to have no enslaved people or servants. They lived near the shores of lakes and rivers, far from inhabited centres and cities, and there were no rich or poor in their community because these conditions were considered deviations from their law.
They created their philosophy and lifestyle, which included a simple and harmonious way of living with all creatures, their spirits and the earth. They used to practice fasting and sacred rituals and became famous for wearing white tunics; that's why they are also called "the great white Brotherhood".
The Essenes referred to themselves as essania, meaning 'Sons of the Sun'; this explains why one of the essential movers in the early formation of the Brotherhood, the so-called heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten, abandoned the old Gods in favour of the Aten, as represented by the solar disc.
They had different and specific tasks depending on personal skills; some followed the ascetic path, others travelled as healers and mystics, and others devoted themselves to studying sacred books and disciplines such as medicine and astronomy.
Admission to their community required a one-year probationary period, three years before initiation, and seven years of internship before full access.

If you cannot participate, unfortunately, there will be no refund. If the event is cancelled at least three days in advance, there will be an opportunity to move the ticket to the next event.

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Incontro ONLINE del corso di terapie Egizio Essene e tecniche Psicoenergetiche 2024.

Incontro ONLINE del corso di terapie Egizio Essene e tecniche Psicoenergetiche 2024.

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Questo incontro offre un’occasione unica per conoscere le terapie Egizio Essene e Tecniche Psicoenergetiche per comprendere meglio come questi approcci possono facilitare il tuo percorso di crescita personale verso una maggiore conoscenza e consapevolezza personale nel qui e ora.

Esploreremo insieme attraverso degli esercizi pratici:

  • Emozioni inespresse, parassitarie e parti  inconsce

  • Cosa significa “essere terapeuti”

  • L’importanza della presenza, empatia e della compassione.

  • 2 centri energetici principali chiamati Nadi, per comprendere meglio le dinamiche relazionali con te stesso e gli altri.

al termine dell’incontro ci sara’ uno spazio dedicato alle domande e condivisione.

Ti aspettiamo per iniziare l’anno insieme!

Per saperne di più scrivici:


Anastasia +39 340 224 3750 | Francesca +39 349 863 2058

Maria +44 07341465023

### What are Essenian therapies, and how do they work?

Egyptian Essene therapies are precise healing techniques that involve using consecrated oils and the emission of the milky voice (voice attunement) while working with the hands-on specific points on the body, such as chakras, organs and Nadis of the physical and subtle bodies, to restore energy flow and increase awareness.

Essene therapists use particular healing protocols, depending on the illness being treated, to release and re-harmonise dissonant or painful memories, emotions or lower energies and restore the correct energetic circulation, promoting better alignment and quality of presence.
In this process, the therapist acts as a bridge between the various parties involved facilitating communication and understanding of the unbalances.

### Who were the Essenes?

According to Pliny, the Essenes were a community that had abandoned the world's vanities. They had risen spiritually and had attained quite substantial mystical knowledge. The Essenes were the first to choose to have no enslaved people or servants. They lived near the shores of lakes and rivers, far from inhabited centres and cities, and there were no rich or poor in their community because these conditions were considered deviations from their law.
They created their philosophy and lifestyle, which included a simple and harmonious way of living with all creatures, their spirits and the earth. They used to practice fasting and sacred rituals and became famous for wearing white tunics; that's why they are also called "the great white Brotherhood".
The Essenes referred to themselves as essania, meaning 'Sons of the Sun'; this explains why one of the essential movers in the early formation of the Brotherhood, the so-called heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten, abandoned the old Gods in favour of the Aten, as represented by the solar disc.
They had different and specific tasks depending on personal skills; some followed the ascetic path, others travelled as healers and mystics, and others devoted themselves to studying sacred books and disciplines such as medicine and astronomy.
Admission to their community required a one-year probationary period, three years before initiation, and seven years of internship before full access.

If you cannot participate, unfortunately, there will be no refund. If the event is cancelled at least three days in advance, there will be an opportunity to move the ticket to the next event.

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Conscious Creativity Closing Circles

Conscious Creativity Closing Circles

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This is the Closing Inner Circles 2023 event!

Closing circles Conscious Creativity Workshop offers a unique opportunity to explore and understand personal challenges and parts of the self through inner introspection, sharing and creativity and end this year feeling at peace, letting go of all you don't want to carry in 2024 and making space for new fulfilling experiences.

During the event, Maria will ask all participants to share personal challenges or inner feelings and express what may prevent them from achieving personal goals.

Maria facilitates the process by holding the space and asking questions. The sharing part can be emotional, as everybody expresses authentically and openly, and it is a beautiful opportunity to be heard and seen and actively listen to others' stories in a safe and supportive environment.

During the event, you will:

  • Connect with Atman through meditation

  • Explore the healing energy of your hands

  • Exploring Parts

  • Draw and express your creative flow

  • Gathering Insights

  • Integrate the work

The proposed activities are designed to deepen self-knowledge and understanding of limiting beliefs, internal blockages and conflicts to facilitate creative and energy flow.

Many participants have found profound benefits from this dynamic and interactive work by finding the answers and resources needed to improve their situation.

Maria uses counselling skills, meditation and psychic art techniques to ease the communication between the conflicting parts.

The class and topics explored are always different, and the group works together to support everyone's journey with presence and compassion.

What you'll need:

  • Curiosity, an open mind and willingness to explore yourself.

  • Colours and creative tools are provided; you are welcome to bring your colours and a cushion (if needed, we work on the floor)

  • A bottle of water.


General rules of good conduct and cancellation policy:

  • Be kind and respectful to everyone, including yourself.

  • Be punctual; interruptions and delays disrupt the energy flow. If you are late, send a message to 07341465023

REFUND POLICY: If you cannot participate, unfortunately, there will be no refund. If the event is cancelled at least three days in advance, there will be an opportunity to move the ticket to the next event.

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Conscious Creativity Limiting Beliefs

Conscious Creativity Limiting Beliefs

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Conscious Creativity Workshop offers a unique opportunity to explore and understand personal challenges, personal limiting beliefs and parts of the self through inner introspection, sharing and creativity.

During the event, Maria will ask all participants to share personal challenges or inner feelings and express what may prevent them from achieving personal goals.

Maria facilitates the process by holding the space and asking questions. The sharing part can be emotional, as everybody expresses authentically and openly, and it is a beautiful opportunity to be heard and seen and actively listen to others' stories in a safe and supportive environment.

During the event, you will:

  • Connect with Atman through meditation

  • Explore the healing energy of your hands

  • Eexploring limiting self-beliefs

  • Draw and express your creative flow

  • Gaining insights

  • Integrate the work

The proposed activities are designed to deepen self-knowledge and understanding of limiting beliefs, internal blockages and conflicts to facilitate creative and energy flow.

Many participants have found profound benefits from this dynamic and interactive work by finding the answers and resources needed to improve their situation.

Maria uses counselling skills, meditation and psychic art techniques to ease the communication between the conflicting parts.

The class and topics explored are always different, and the group works together to support everyone's journey with presence and compassion.

What you'll need:

  • Curiosity, an open mind and willingness to explore yourself.

  • Colours and creative tools are provided; you are welcome to bring your colours and a cushion (if needed, we work on the floor)

  • A bottle of water.


General rules of good conduct and cancellation policy:

  • Be kind and respectful to everyone, including yourself.

  • Be punctual; interruptions and delays disrupt the energy flow. If you are late, send a message to 07341465023

REFUND POLICY: If you cannot participate, unfortunately, there will be no refund. If the event is cancelled at least three days in advance, there will be an opportunity to move the ticket to the next event.

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Couples Conscious Creativity

Couples Conscious Creativity

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Couples Conscious Creativity Workshop offers a unique opportunity to explore and understand personal and relational challenges and parts of the self through inner introspection, sharing and creativity.

During the event, Maria will ask all participants to share personal challenges or inner feelings and express what may prevent them from achieving personal goals.

Maria facilitates the process by holding the space and asking questions. The sharing part can be emotional, as everybody expresses authentically and openly, and it is a beautiful opportunity to be heard and seen and actively listen to others' stories in a safe and supportive environment.

During the event, you will:

  • Connect with Atman through meditation

  • Explore the healing energy of your hands and partner

  • Working with parts

  • Draw and express your creative flow

  • Gaining insights

  • Integrate the work

The proposed activities are designed to deepen self-knowledge and understanding of limiting beliefs, internal blockages and conflicts to facilitate creative and energy flow in personal and relational life.

Many participants have found profound benefits from this dynamic and interactive work by finding the answers and resources needed to improve their situation.

Maria uses counselling skills, meditation and psychic art techniques to ease the communication between the conflicting parts.

The class and topics explored are always different, and the group works together to support everyone's journey with presence and compassion.

What you'll need:

  • Curiosity, an open mind and willingness to explore yourself.

  • Colours and creative tools are provided; you are welcome to bring your colours and a cushion (if needed, we work on the floor)

  • A bottle of water.


General rules of good conduct and cancellation policy:

  • Be kind and respectful to everyone, including yourself.

  • Be punctual; interruptions and delays disrupt the energy flow. If you are late, send a message to 07341465023

REFUND POLICY: If you cannot participate, unfortunately, there will be no refund. If the event is cancelled at least three days in advance, there will be an opportunity to move the ticket to the next event.

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Introducing Essenian Healing Techniques

Introducing Essenian Healing Techniques

BOOK now on Meetup | BOOK now on Eventbrite

This open day offers an opportunity to connect with this ancient art of therapy and explore your healing abilities.

This event is for those who already practice the relationship of help and those who, from all walks of life, are curious to understand and learn how to help and heal.

During the event, Maria will demonstrate basic techniques and share knowledge about her integrated and unique approach.

What I aim to share is anchored in sacred traditions that find their roots deep in my heart.

I want to support and inspire everyone interested in starting this self-discovery journey to shine and reflect their true colours into this world with integrity and confidence.

Come say hi and have tea and biscuits with us!

I am looking forward to meeting you,

### What are Essenian therapies, and how do they work?

Egyptian Essene therapies are precise healing techniques that involve using consecrated oils and the emission of the milky voice (voice attunement) while working with the hands-on specific points on the body, such as chakras, organs and Nadis of the physical and subtle bodies, to restore energy flow and increase awareness.

Essene therapists use particular healing protocols, depending on the illness being treated, to release and re-harmonise dissonant or painful memories, emotions or lower energies and restore the correct energetic circulation, promoting better alignment and quality of presence.
In this process, the therapist acts as a bridge between the various parties involved facilitating communication and understanding of the unbalances.

### Who were the Essenes?

According to Pliny, the Essenes were a community that had abandoned the world's vanities. They had risen spiritually and had attained quite substantial mystical knowledge. The Essenes were the first to choose to have no enslaved people or servants. They lived near the shores of lakes and rivers, far from inhabited centres and cities, and there were no rich or poor in their community because these conditions were considered deviations from their law.
They created their philosophy and lifestyle, which included a simple and harmonious way of living with all creatures, their spirits and the earth. They used to practice fasting and sacred rituals and became famous for wearing white tunics; that's why they are also called "the great white Brotherhood".
The Essenes referred to themselves as essania, meaning 'Sons of the Sun'; this explains why one of the essential movers in the early formation of the Brotherhood, the so-called heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten, abandoned the old Gods in favour of the Aten, as represented by the solar disc.
They had different and specific tasks depending on personal skills; some followed the ascetic path, others travelled as healers and mystics, and others devoted themselves to studying sacred books and disciplines such as medicine and astronomy.
Admission to their community required a one-year probationary period, three years before initiation, and seven years of internship before full access.

If you cannot participate, unfortunately, there will be no refund. If the event is cancelled at least three days in advance, there will be an opportunity to move the ticket to the next event.

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Group Counselling & EFT (tapping)

Group Counselling & EFT (tapping)

Do you have any questions that are troubling you and would like to ask?
Do you feel stuck in a situation and can't see clearly?
Bring your questions to the session ;)

Sometimes we are so caught up in the emotional dimension due to overwhelming emotions, entanglement, stress or other individual reason that it is hard to see clearly what is happening and how to manage certain circumstances.

Maria will facilitate inner communication through Counselling & Energy Work to help participants identify possible blockages or limitations.

Keep in mind that time is limited. To better facilitate the answer make sure you know what you would like support with.

We will end the circle with EFT to release any energy stagnation focusing on recentering and realigning the energies within the self.

Who is this session for?

  • Curious and open-minded people who need an outside perspective to simplify and better understand specific dynamics beyond personal feelings or ego.

  • Anyone with an interest in sharing and mindful/spiritual connections.

What can I ask? Here are some examples:

  • In the past few months, everything has been against me, everything I am trying to do does not go anywhere, and I am struggling to understand what is happening. Am I doing something wrong?

  • I struggle to communicate my feelings to my partner/family/friends. Why is it so hard to express my feelings to my partner/family/friends?

  • I lack personal boundaries; what can I do to improve my work relationships?

  • Something is holding me back. I can't decide. What can I do to unstuck myself?

What if there is no time to ask my question?
Don't worry; there will be other similar events;
Usually, what is addressed reflects the group dynamic, so even if you don't get your answer, you may be able to take something from others' experiences.

Please note this is not a 121-individual session, meaning you will get some indications or clues to reflect on and work on. Maria will not tell you what to do but will guide you to connect and identify the best way(s) to accept or deal with the situation and eventually find strategies from where you are.

If you wish to understand further or want to know more, you can book an individual session or a Soul Plan reading with Maria.

General question

What is EFT?
The emotional Freedom Technique consists of breathing and tapping on specific acupressure points while giving the subconscious a new verbal message. This simple technique helps to clear emotional overwhelm by reducing stress levels
while offering relief from physical discomfort, more clarity and focus.

Is Maria a Psychic?
Maria does not like to define herself as a "psychic" but rather an energy worker who can reflect what she perceives neutrally and objectively. Everything is energy, and each of us can facilitate the other if we know how to listen with the ears of the heart.

If you cannot participate, unfortunately, there will be no refund. If the event is cancelled at least three days in advance, there will be an opportunity to move the ticket to the next event.

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All of Maria's workshops are co-created experiences.

Many of her students gain significant insights and a deeper understanding of themselves, which results in genuine connections, better balance, greater self-compassion, and broader life perspectives.